food·ie noun

a person having an enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of good food.

(source: Miriam-Webster Dictionary)

sug·ar free adjective

having less than .5 grams of sugar per serving, and not containing any ingredient that is a sugar or generally understood by consumers to be a sugar.

(source: FDA Guidance on Sugar Free Claims)

sug·ar free adjective

without a significant other.

(source: Urban Dictionary)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Why is Diet Gingerale so hard to find?

Carbonated beverages in general pose a difficulty when you are eliminating sugar, especially if you are also trying to cut back on caffeine.  Generally, in the afternoon/evening, I try not to have any caffeine.  But when you're out at a restaurant or something like that, the only "sugar-free" option other than water is usually Diet Coke.  Restaurants almost never have Diet 7-Up / Sprite / Sierra Mist.

So pretty much this means just avoiding soda.  Which is OK, but sometimes I just really want a Gingerale or a Sprite!  At least you can find Sprite and 7-Up in a diet version in the grocery store if you want to have them at home.  But where in the world is all of the Diet Gingerale?  Not in West LA, at least not that I can find.

The Ralph's store across from my office NEVER has it.  Neither do any of the three stores in my neighborhood.  Ditto about the two Targets closest to me. 

 Finally, I found it at a third Target, one that is in a different area of town, and stocked up so I don't have to search again anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I have a terrible time finding diet ginger ale except for at super markets. I don't want the caffeine or the sugar at night. I've asked CVS repeatedly to stock it with no success. I can't find it at pizzerias, delis or take out restaurants. I know there is a market for it. Why doesn't Canada Dry and other companies do a better job of distributing it?
