food·ie noun

a person having an enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of good food.

(source: Miriam-Webster Dictionary)

sug·ar free adjective

having less than .5 grams of sugar per serving, and not containing any ingredient that is a sugar or generally understood by consumers to be a sugar.

(source: FDA Guidance on Sugar Free Claims)

sug·ar free adjective

without a significant other.

(source: Urban Dictionary)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Oh my goodness! Sugar free fudge and chocolates!

In my Christmas stocking this year, I received a small box of chocolates and a piece of chocolate peanut butter fudge - all sugar free! These delicious little treats came from Chocolate Smiles in Cary, North Carolina. (check them out online at I was so excited that Santa (aka my sister) had included such a thoughtful gift, and I was even more delighted when I later opened up the box and found out how yummy the chocolates and the fudge are! Chocolate smiles indeed! 😄